
Secret Marketing Strategies to Generate Traffic Do they really exist (Heres a hint Yes they do!)

I was recently introduced to a gentleman named David Wood. David Wood is an expert at increasing internet traffic to virtually any website. Yes, any website. I learned that he put together a business strategy on how he accomplishes this and I'm excited to have recently learned what some of these strategies are.In one of his blogs, David talks about reading yet another blog entry that claimed to teach all of the hidden secrets of marketing online. Problem was, as he explained, it was just another jacked up advertisement for someone's ebook that did its best Iphone 4s Car Kits to psych you out on positive reinforcement and "you can do it" mantras. "What people need is real MEAT when it comes to marketing online," David professes. And it's true. People need REAL principals and real foundational concepts. Not just wordy ebook pep rallys that we've all come across...One of the first principals David talks about in driving people to your website is that it is absolutely necessary to have original and valuable content and offer it free of charge. When your visitor sees information that is relevant and information he can immediately use and put into action, he's highly likely to return. And not just once, but again and again. However, if your website looks like yet another blase canned, template driven site, chances are you'll lose them in just a few short seconds and they'll forget you ever existed.Another principal about driven traffic is in relation to Google. Google is king and what everyone knows is the higher you rank on Google, the more business you're going to generate. What people don't understand though, is, it's not the compelling information on your site led lights that generates the number one ranking, it's how many other sites out there that are linked to it that counts and how important they in their own rights. For example, if Yahoo and MSN and other major sites out there are linking to your article, your going to scream to the top of their search engines. Also, if your article includes social bookmarking and video, those sites, too, will drive your rankings to the top.One last secret to share is that you want your marketing online to focus around one particular, central theme. You want to work to rank one page of your site around a few central keyword phrases and then, as David proclaims, "Create niche pages within your website that you promote." "Ie, my current main domain ranks in Google for over 100 niche phrases within the first five results, but those rankings don't all come from my front page. It's the articles in my article directory that I promote individually for EACH niche."Simply put, the more niche traffic you generate over your competitors, the higher your rankings will be. Create more on topic content than the others and promote it properly. If you keep these principals in mind and understand that it's basic prinicpipals that drive traffic to your site, you'll zoom to the front in no time flat. Best of luck and we'll see you at the top!

